So interesting - makes me think of stream of consciousness (Woolf) and Stein’s mind-muddling syntax. Both from the post WWI and ascension of Freud era. Reality was harsh....

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What will come from today? Once all the rules and traditions have been broken.

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I want to turn this into a poetry prompts for my workshopping group ❤️

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Oooh. I’d love to see those.

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“If I break all the rules of reality, the world I make becomes unrecognizable, but if I only break some of them, my world is made of recognizable parts but has unpredictable correlations like a dream.”


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Great topic! I remember as a kid how much I loved Dali (all those long elephant legs), and I feel like he's a very typical artist for kids to be drawn to, but why? I'm sure smarter people than me have contemplated this.

Also interesting to contemplate is instances when we're forced into a fugue state against our will, and we're trying to maintain sanity, and on the edge of disassociation...how we do explain that in a way that's not cliche? An infection can cause this (like Laura's), but I was thinking of criminal acts, or neglect, or mental illness. Definitely not whimsy. And then there are people who go into forests and drink random plant juices to cause this state, hoping for it.

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Oh, and isn't AI in and of itself a state or action of surreality?

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Or hyperreality but hyperreality is surreal. Idk. Maybe that’s my next post.

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